Dahlia Fringed - 'Bora Bora'

$3.99 $7.99

Award-winning Dahlia 'Bora Bora' is an amazing fusion of colours with its profusion of spectacular dark coral-pink flowers blending to gold at their heart. The fully double flowers, up to 6-8 in. wide (15-20 cm) feature attractive elongated velvety petals that will spice up your life.

Blooming prodigiously from July until Frost, this dahlia grows up to 36 inches (90 cm) and is an excellent choice to create a lovely garden display or for showing.

A great pick for borders or as cut flowers thanks to its superb vase life. Did you know that the more you cut Dahlia flowers, the more flowers you get? This makes Dahlias twice as nice: pretty in a vase, pretty in the garden. A great big flower in a vase or floating in a shallow bowl makes the perfect eye-catcher.

Best flowering occurs in full sun, but light shade will be welcomed in hot-summer areas.

Provide consistent moisture during the growing season and do not allow soils to dry out. Plant in a sheltered location to protect your dahlias from strong winds.

Deadhead spent flowers to promote growth of additional flower buds.

If you live in a cool area (hardiness zones 3-7) and you want to save your dahlia bulbs, or more precisely, your dahlia tubers for next spring, you may dig them up before the first frost and store them over winter before replanting them next spring. Store them in boxes, covered with moistened sand in a cool, dark, frost-free place where the temperature remains between 45-50 F (7-10 C).