Aimers International Beet Robin Hybrid Baby Beet Seed Packet


Robin Hybrid Baby Beet. Variety originated in the USA. Perfect baby beets before you know it - sometimes as soon as 30 days from seeding! Particularly sweet dark red uniformly shaped roots up to 5cm (2in) in diameter. Eye catching deep red stems and bright green leaves.

Light Requirement: Full Sun
Planting Method: Direct Seed
Growth Habit: Root Crop
Days to Emergence: 5 - 10
Days to Harvest 30 - 60
Height: 20 - 30cm (8 - 12in)

Beets thrive in sandy loam with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5. Remember to fertilize. For continual harvest, sow seeds 1.2cm (1/2in) deep and 2.5cm (1in) apart in two week intervals beginning when the soil has warmed to 7 C and avoid sowing after mid July. As each beet "seed" is actually a corky fruit with 2 to 5 seeds contained within, it is important to thin the young seedlings to 7-10cm (3-4in) apart to provide enough room for proper root formation. Use plants that are thinned as a source of tender, edible greens. Over-watering or excessive rainfall may lead to excessive leaf growth and pale or small roots.